And  there were added unto them about three thousand souls”  (Acts 2vs 41).  In only a brief time we again read , “ And the Lord added to the church (the body of believers) daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2 vs 47).                                                                                                    There is something about a pew-packed church that gives us pleasure whether the church holds forty , four hundred ,or four thousand .Without any question a Pastor and his people enjoy watching their church grow. There is a spirit of anticipation each week as the family drives to the church . When the final “amen” is spoken , the Lord is pleased not only with the spirit of worship but also with the emotional tone of His people .                                                   I believe the Lord enjoys the church that grows . When the Lord gave birth to the church at Pentecost, He programmed it for growth .We read of those past –pentecost days .”And where added unto them about three thousand souls”                                                                        When i saw these things ,three things came to my mind:

VS 47. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” this growth was “daily”, not monthly or annually.                                                                 

Man y people  give  many reasons why  their church is  not  growing and some will attribute it to the oppositions of the enemies. The growth that took place in this place took place in the midst of intense opposition.                                                                                                             

(3) THE GROWTH HAS PATTERN.                                                                                            The growth that took place in this church was not accidental and unplanned growth .It was planed, patterned and expected. They knew their targets worked out workable ways of getting them. This growth, was patterned to attract “men and women” Acts 5vs14. Latter the word “added” was changed to “multiplied”. In this growth everybody was targeted. The men, women and  children. Acts 6 vs 7. The question is; do you have pattern for your expected growth? Or  growth anyhow?                                                                                 

 SOIL: Some soils are more receptive than others .So the growth of your church is going to be in direct proportion to the receptiveness of the soil.                                                                              Jesus said something about a man that went to sow and He said that “some fell on a good soil, some by the way side and some on a stony soil.” If the growth is not as it suppose to be, find out the makeup of the  soil. How receptive the soil is                                                               

One mistake that is often made by church planters , is the mistake of wooing people by all means .As we go out to plant new churches , there is this inner cry to surpass other churches. Some will even go to the extent of saying that they have come to take over the 
Land . This time not from the powers of darkness but from the rest  churches that have been in the land before them .As they try to  meet this inner yearnings ; They  woo all kinds of people into the church to serve as foundation members for this new church , not minding weather they are tares that will choke the good seed .  You discover that instead of contributing to the growth of the church ,these ones will be helping to retard the growth of such churches .The church that I pastured  before the present one was founded on that foundation . The pastor used every material for foundation because he wants to beat every other pastor in the land . Some were womanisers ,some con men others were prostitutes .In that church the womanisers who were looking for girls , were made leaders with prostates  who were also looking for loose men. He performed well in the first one year ,and after that , this tares began to manifest their characters and the end result was the death of that church.  Listen sir, when you are starting a church , please do not say thing things you know you cannot do , simply because you need people . If you do this you will be using tares to lay the foundation of your church and this will retard the growth of your church . This factor will contribute negatively to the growth of your church.                                                                          

(3) MARKET POTENTIALITY :                                                                                                               
The product you are coming with ,is it marketable in this ? That may be the reason why your church is not growing . If your church is in a rural area and all that comes out of your mouth is  ism,isms  . that church will not grow . One woman went to a church in Lagos and instead of being blessed; After the service her friend who invited her came to find out if she was indeed blessed . She  told her that she was blessed , only that she went to church with a wrong book .How? Her friend asked her, and replied that she would have told her to come with a dictionary instead of Bible. If you are planting a new  church, in a soil that is made up of a learned class and each time you speak all that comes out of your mouth is as i was coming tomorrow. That church will not also grow . What am i saying ? I’am saying that you must  find out, the market potentiality of  your product  in that community and see if there is the possibility of the people buying it there.There is a principle in commerce called :”LOCATION AND LOCALISATION OF  AN INDUSTRY.” This principle teaches us that it is economically unwise , for you to locate a cement industry where there is no lime-stone. Your targeted class, are they in that location? That is the market potentiality.                     
growing a healthy church

What skills are needed in growing a healthy church?
Between 1999 and 2002 it was my pleasure to begin and complete my doctoral work at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.  During this time of study, it was also my privilege to worship on several occasions at Southeast Christian Church.  Bob Russell, the founding pastor of Southeast Christian, was the senior pastor during this time.
While worshipping with Southeast Christian Church, I came across a book by Bob Russell entitled, When God Builds a Church: 10 Principles for Growing a Dynamic Church  There were ten principles that Pastor Russel used to help create a robust and growing fellowship.
Here are the ten principles that Pastor Russell believed were necessary for a strong church.
Healthy Church Principle 1: Truth
Be consistent in proclaiming God’s Word as truth and apply it to people’s lives.
Healthy Church Principle 2:  Worship
Worship God every week in spirit and truth with no apologies to anyone.
Healthy Church Principle 3: Leadership
Develop Christ-centered leaders within the fellowship who will lead by their example.
Healthy Church Principle 4:  Excellence
Do the very best you can in every area of service.  Do not tolerate “second best.”
Healthy Church Principle 5:  Faith
Be willing to step out with bold faith and take risks.  Trust the Lord to lead the way.
Healthy Church Principle 6:  Harmony
Maintain a spirit of harmony.  God blesses a harmonious fellowship.  Never allow divisions to be the driving force of the church.
Healthy Church Principle 7: Participation
Expect the congregation to participate in every ministry of the fellowship.  The “body of Christ” must work together if it is going to be healthy.
Healthy Church Principle 8:  Fellowship
Continually practice brotherly and sisterly (agape) love for one another.  The fellowship is a family.
Healthy Church Principle 9:  Stewardship
Stewardship is giving generously of God’s resources as a Church and individuals.
Healthy Church Principle 10:  Evangelism
Commit, as a fellowship, to enthusiastically support evangelism as the primary mission of the church.
These ten principles are an excellent resource for any fellowship that is seeking the movement of God to take place in their church.

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