Colonialism in Nigeria: positive and negative impacts!!!!

Colonialism in Nigeria: positive and negative impacts!!!!

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The colonisation of Nigeria was not the best experience for Nigerians, however, there are some positive effects it brought to the country. Let us take a look at its positive and negative impacts. 

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Effects of Colonialism in Nigeria A lot of people might disagree that colonialism had any positive impact on Nigeria, but Nigeria would not even have its name without colonialism. Did you know that the name “Nigeria” was created by a British journalist? Also, do you really think that Nigeria would be a united country without some help from the British Empire?

 Nigeria is a country which consists of a lot of tribes. Some of these tribes do not like themselves and are even constantly trying to gain independence in one way or another. For instance, the Republic of Biafra which is not recognized in the international arena still seems to exist in a way.

Let us also not forget that Nigeria consists of various religious groups; one of which is the Christians, whose doctrines were brought into the country by the British Empire. The country consists of Muslims and Christians who are living together because of colonialism. Think about it, can you find any other Muslim country where Christians are free to practice their religion and worship their God? 
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Top 5 negative impacts of colonialism in Nigeria 

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1. Economic impact The main negative impact on the economy of Nigeria was slavery. It is true that hundreds of thousands of people were kidnapped and sold as slaves in the new colonies of the world due to colonization; it was a painful experience for so many Nigerian families. The second negative effect was the stealing of Nigeria’s resources. A large amount of resources were exported out of Nigeria due to colonization. The British Empire and other colonial powers extracted and sold a lot of unique minerals belonging to the Nigerian people.

2. Political impact The most obvious negative political impact is the dependence of Nigeria on the Great Britain. Nigeria is one of the commonwealth countries which were former British colonies ruled by the British government. Some Nigerians were given the chance to take part in the governance of the country, however, they held powers that were either too small or completely irrelevant. The British Governors decided the fate of the nation without consulting the people of Nigeria.

 3. Technological impact It is true that Nigeria became more industrialized because of colonialism; at the same time, it drastically changed the simple lives of Nigerians at the time. The old instruments and tools used by Nigerians became irrelevant in the face of the technology brought by the British Empire. Therefore, the old technologies got forgotten and seized to exist. 

4. Social impact Slavery also brought some negative social impacts to Nigeria, It is impossible to deny the fact that Nigerians became more cruel because of slave trade. A lot of Africans became agents for slave trading companies all over the world. They helped the British slave traders to kidnap people and turn them into slaves. 

5. Educational and medical impacts The traditional education in Nigeria was killed by colonialism; this is also same for traditional medicine. However, this is not so bad considering that Nigeria got introduced to new and better forms of medicine and education. Positive impacts of colonialism in Nigeria

Positive impacts of colonialism in Nigeria 

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2. Political impacts Nigerians learned about a new kind of organized government system from colonialism. The British Empire brought a new judicial system together with some pieces of democracy and a lot of tribes in Nigeria started to get along. The British Government also helped to write peace treaties amongst tribes. Therefore, Europeans helped to protect Africans from their most devastating enemy – themselves. Colonization made a huge impact in decreasing tribal conflicts in Nigeria. 

3. Technological impacts Colonialism in Nigeria provided an industrial and agricultural boom to the country. It also helped Nigerians to solve their medical problems. Europeans were exposed to new disease from Africa and had to find ways to treat them, and in the process, provided cures for sick Africans too. 

4. Social impacts Colonialism provided more religious opportunities for Christianity in Nigeria. A lot of Africans learned European languages and the Europeans also learned more about the culture of Nigerian tribes. 

5. Educational and medical impacts Education was introduced to Nigerians by their colonial masters and a lot of institutions and schools got built in the process. Medicine also developed dramatically in the country! A lot of European doctors came to the colonies to treat people and a lot of medical diseases were cured because of colonialism.
